Welfare Champion 2021

Lizard was named Welfare Champion 2021!

The Welfare Champion class identifies the group of the best SMEs in corporate welfare: this year there were about a hundred out of a total of more than 6,000 participating companies.

It is a source of pride for us to be among the companies that have distinguished themselves most in corporate welfare in terms of breadth and quality of initiatives towards employees.

For this, we would like to thank Confindustria Trento which, through the Welfare Trentino project, provided us with the tools to achieve this important result.

In addition, we would like to send a special thanks to Generali Italia which promoted Welfare Index PMI, the initiative we joined, which involves the main sector confederations and aims to promote the culture of corporate welfare in Italian Small and Medium Enterprises through a broad survey analysing the state of the art of corporate welfare and promoting best practices.


Corporate welfare makes the company grow and is good for the country.