Power Lex

Power Lex, powered by ILT Lab, was created to create efficiency in the production of legal documents. Thanks to the Artificial Intelligence model based on natural language processing (NLP), it is able to read, interpret and integrate documents in order to independently draft a court document, consistent in form and substance with what is normally produced by a lawyer.


Power Lex, the solution that efficiencies the legal department in the production of legal documents, will support you:

Nell’archiviazione documentale

In document archiving

Through a system that organizes data or documents in a rigorous and structured manner.

Nella tipizzazione dei documenti

In document typing

By categorizing documents to simplify organization and management.

Nella produzione di un atto giuridico

In the production of a legal act

By way of reducing the lawyer’s intervention to the review of the document only.

Nell’analisi predittiva

In predictive analysis

To optimize and guide strategic conduct choices.

For more information
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